The images on the left were spider diagrams that I made about my identity i.e. how I look, what I like etc. I also thought that I would create a spider diagram on objects I like because Roma said that we could portray ourselves within an object.

After choosing that I wanted to portray myself as an object I thought that I woureld research into what the objects would look like so I could get an idea on what I would like to sketch out.

After researching self identity I thought that I would research a bit more into the whole meaning of identity itself. So I thought that I would look at different examples of identities that we don't really notice in our every day to day lives.

I thought that should share my images with everyone of who I am now and what I was like in the past and it turns out that I haven't really changed which, I feel is a good thing. But it was a good example of identity.

A bit more research on some artists that I admire and some information from Roma giving me some feedback (which I need) about what to do for the next project.

These were final pages of research that I have done so far. I was experimenting with what the environment would like, what objects would be used etc.
I will continue to pursue my research throughout the project because I feel that researching into my work will really help me push forward, improve and learn more about what identity is and how to work with it.