Having done research into a number of different sites it occurred to me that I had to think about colour, layout and font to be used for my final product. Below are some screen shots of my inital idea, having these ideas helped me create my final outcome.

The idea above is a bit basic but I wanted to design a simple idea because the majority of the networking sites had a simplistic design, the main reason for this is because networking sites shows so much information that a complex design would make the whole too packed.

For the next design I still kept to the simple design but I wanted to change the layout and font. I am not so keen on the black and white design but I like the layout. I tried to make the heading bigger and I think that it looks good but I feel that the design doesn't represent the name port name.

I wanted to add colour and I think that the colours add to the design well, I wasn't too sure on the green so I thought that I should work with colours. I like the header but after designing this I did not realise that I had not put the navigation in the design. It could maybe go down the left hand column.

I changed the colour to purple, reason for this was because blue is very popular for networking sites but I want to create something different so I thought that purple would be ideal. I tried to get a 'facebook' effect by having the same login layout but looking at the design I think that I want a brighter and bolder design.

This is my final outcome, after thinking about trying to make my design a bit different to other networking sites the twitter site came into my mind. With its simple but bubbly design I thought was different to other sites, I wanted to think of a good logo that was easy to recognise, I will post a blog on why I made this decision.