Having done design layouts I thought that banner designs were very important so thought I would do some banner designs. At first I found this really difficult having previously thought that it would be easy but from a little help from my Ashley and giving me the address to a banner website (www.bannerblog.com.au) I was suddenly very enthusiastic and full of inspiration as to what I could do for my banners.
What come to my attention was that I was thinking about banners from the web that were just adverts and all that was going through my mind was 'what can I advertise?' but forget that theme I'm sticking to the
Pixar theme, the banners will stick to advertising the movies from
Pixar, that could include trailers, animation etc below are the sketches that I have thought up with, some are simple but I think would be effective and some are a bit more complicated but you have to work outside your comfort zone to learn.
Left SketchIdea: The different
Pixar characters would slowly scroll across the banner allowing the audience to view the different characters, a possible idea could be that when the cursor hovers over a character or a character was clicked on a new banner would appear with the trailer, short summary of film or maybe show audience the design process of the film. Other ideas
inlude facts of film and profile of character.
Right sketchIs a brief idea on what the banner would look like once a character has been clicked on.

Left SketchThe full image is not there so its hard to see but the main idea would be to create a motion tween from the actual final animation to my sketched images or vise
versa. The main idea behind this will show the audience where the animation first started, it may even show how different the initial designs were. However I have been looking into this and the
tweening to images together looks very complicated, I say more a challenge.
Right sketchThis sketch is landscape so may look a bit weird, just tilt your head sideways and you'll see it. I got this idea from the
Dreamweaver tutorial (cafe
townsend) so people in my group will understand but for those of you who
dont understand there will be a button in the corner that will allow the user to scroll through the different images of the character, maybe with a profile. It will be like an interactive slide show however I will have to change the layout so it doesn't look like the tutorial banner.

Left and right sketch Now I thought I would change the banner size because what I did not realise was that banners have constraints!!! oh yes just to add a little bit more stress to the project we are stuck with stupid banners sizes. Right for this idea I thought why not make this idea a bit more personal. Only working with ideas here but maybe I could assign a character to each month of the year or birth sign and when the user clicks on their month or sign their assigned character would appear with a description of the film or, maybe an explanation to why they are that character. This could be a potential pop-up idea, problem is that I would have to research as into why the characters would be assigned to the months or signs given, but I like the idea of being personal.
Left sideLandscape again so tilt your head! This idea is working around the interactivity idea. It will be a quiz maybe seeing how good there knowledge is on
Pixar films. I could possibly create a scoring system and at the end of the quiz depending on what score they get be it high or low the
charatcer that would represent them would appear i.e. a low score would be Dory!
Right side
I got this idea from the bannerblogs website. All it is is a close up of the character, it would be a very slow motion tween moving over the image, the audience will not be able to interact with it only view it. I could have a fade in fade out effect and the image could change, maybe fade out image and fade in film info.
Left sideThis idea is completely different to the others, for this banner I would input a movie trailer ideas for this could be that the images below would be links/button to a certain movie trailer, However I will have to talk to someone to see if this is allowed to have one banner linked to other banners.
Right side
For my final idea I thought I could have the images static and when the cursor hovers over them a sound effect will play, it could be clips from the movie or sounds from the characters that they are clicking over, its a simple idea but would be effective (especially a younger audience)
Those are my current ideas that I have done so far, if I think of any more I will sketch and blog them later but my next intentions are to experiment with these on the computer and see what they look like, this will hopefully give me a clearer idea on what will work and what will not.
At the moment I am liking the interactivity ideas because I want my users to be interested but maybe once testing them they won't be my
preferred choice.