Thursday, 6 November 2008

Artist Critique

I chose this image becauase having been to New York and I remember taking the same type of shots but never managed to get a powerful shot like this image presented here.

The main part of the image that caught my eye has to be the contrast. With such a powerful contrast the photographer has given the image a clear look bringing all of the small detail more visible. However with more black and white tones used and very little grey tones can give the image a more 2D effect rather then the 3D look that I guess the photographer was trying to achieve. The viewers eyes are immediately drawn towards the center of the page following the path and the shadows before viewing the rest of the image.

What I did think was that the photographer was trying to make the two people in the image the main focal point however I do nor think this was successful because of how strong the contrast and composition is, instead the poeple are absorbed into the image and become part of the image rather then a focal point. I feel that the main focal point of this image was more the patterns created from the bridge itself and the shadowing. They are very varied and give alot of detail for the audience to see.

This is a typical New York photo that everyday 'tourists' would try and capture but the its the strong contrast that captures my eye but the more I study this image the more I wonder whether it has computer edited to get this effect. As I see most New York photos in black and white I'm guessing that the photographer was trying to keep to this theme, I feel that this was a conscious descion as this makes what the image.

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