"Dipna Horra's practice is based in mixed media explorations and interdisciplinary collaborations. This is an installation disguised as a website."
From looking at this site it is not a site but a piece of art as you can see in the screen shot below...

I can only guess that this artist has created a piece of mix media art work that has inlcuded all types of media. Textiles, photography, painting, sketching, music etc all types of media have been used to make the piece of art work, and as some people think this is a website (as we did) they get very confused as there is no particular order just random videos and work but the site is the piece that brings it all together.

Like our designs 'Analogue' (the designers) have used imagery for the background. I personally like this look, some may feel that it is too compact but it works for this 'installation' and it could work for our site. They have incorporated alot of flash into the site but I like the effect, every time you click on one piece of paper you get moved to another section but you get to choose whether you want to go to 'painting' or 'design' however there is some order in this site; you do get directed to where you ask to go, for example I clicked on 'paintings' so I was directed to the pages with examples of paintings.
I found some of the writing hard to read but as its part of the art I can't really complain. This site has given me some ideas and inspirations as to what our site could look like, not so much flash but we could add flash components to make the site a little more interesting.
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