Monday 3 December 2007

Interactive Narratives

We had an introduction to flash CS3 on Friday and all I can say is WHERE DO I START!! I've never been on flash before so think that this is going to be a big task for me however with the help of the online tutorials I shall complete.

As I have never used flash before I aim to create a simple yet creative narrative that I know will interact with the user. I have viewed a few different interactive narratives and have decided that my narrative will involve users helping my actors in my narrative create something or do something.

These are a few of my ideas that I have come up with:

How do I make a sandwich?

This interactive narrative is basically what the title says 'How to make a sandwich?' The user will interact with the narratives by guiding the actors around the kitchen, however I want to give the impression that the users are the ones choosing where to go but I will input questions/quotes that will direct the users where to go. For example one of the quotes maybe 'I need to go to the fridge to get my ingredients' This will tell the user that they need to go to the fridge so, they will click on it.

Some of the shots that I could include could be an image of the inside of the fridge, kitchen utensils, prep table (where the sandwich is to be made)the complete sandwich/the gradual process of the making of the sandwich. Its a simple idea yet creative.

How do I tidy my room?

This interactive narrative has the same layout as the first narrative however it will be set in a bedroom. The process of this story is that the user gradually helps clear up the room by following the instructions/questions provided. I would set the bedroom up in a way that its easy to see where things have go i.e. clothes in the wardrobe. I like this idea however I'm not to sure how much things can do to keep this narrative going.

A guide to...

This idea hasn't been finalised but it would involve the user finding there way to a certain destination. They would start off at my place and I will give them a destination that they have to find. They will have certain choices in where they would like to go but if they make the wrong choice it will direct them either back to the beginning or, back to previous steps. It will give out the impression that they are going around in circles and will carrying on going around in circles until they reach the right destination.

These are a few of my main ideas but I just have to work out which shots will go in which numbered frame which I think will be the most difficult part however if I practice using flash I will gradually get the hang of this new piece of software.

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