Monday 5 November 2007

Audiovisual Lecture

Deborah gave our group our first lecture on Audiovisual on Thursday. This involved looking at different examples of photos/images that would have a story behind them, however some of these photos could have a number of different stories, its how the viewer portrays the image.

We next moved onto single shot films where Deborah showed us examples of short films where the director used only a single shot to produced a film in ... a single shot.

To me this looks like a bit of a challenge, no cutting, no changing camera angles (except panning) just one shot eekk.

This is a single shot video designed by Geogre Barber. I tried to upload the film however it would not allow me but the image I show here is the the final outcome of the film.
A brief outline of the short film: A man unloads the contents of his van (cans of colourful paint) He gradually chucks each can of paint across the road leaving the passing cars to drive over the paint and create a bright/abstact image.

I like this film because its simple and also because of the strong camera angle. I feel that having the birds eye view of the film shows the viewer how strong the final outcome is and, I feel that having that camera angles makes the film successful.

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