Friday 16 November 2007

One shot film

On our first seminar, for our second project Deborah set us the task to create a simple one shot film between one and two minutes long working with the titles 'irritation' or 'meeting'. The rules however were that we had to shoot the film in one shot (NO EDITING), we had to work in teams and the camera had to be on a tripod.

Our first idea we had worked with the title called 'meeting'. A couple would meet to either pass on a message or a letter however when thinking about this we thought that it was too serious and wanted to have some fun so we tried irritation. This film involved two students (me and Chase) trying to study and another more irritating student (Danny). As you can see in the film below Danny does every small irritating thing that someone could whilst the students were trying to study.

Harold was filming the one shot film, at first we thought using an angle shot would look more effective however Deborah suggested that we took the shot straight on, this way the viewers could easily see what was going on in the film.

If we had to do it again I think that I would make the film a bit shorter because when the audience were watching our film I got the impression that they thought it was getting a bit repetitive. I also think that working with lighting would have made the shot stronger but as we did not know how to work with the lights that was something that we were not able to do.

We have now finished shooting our final film so I will be shortly posting the film and all our supporting work on my blog.

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