The second piece of interactive media that I found was a graphic designers own personal website called Peter Jaworowski otherwise known as ‘The Hejz’. The reason why I chose this website was because when I opened the site I was immediately greeted by an interactive spider diagram.
This immediately shows that the designers thought about the audience interaction with the site. What I liked about it was that the user does not have to click on anything to move the diagram around, the cursor guides the diagram around to how the user wants it, the Hejz work are the pieces shown on the diagram.
Looking through the site I have noticed that there are no videos but there is a strong amount of graphic work shown throughout the site however the user does have to select the pieces of work that they wish to view. Even though I liked the layout and imagery used I was a little confused with the media-text.
When I first opened the site I was really impressed but when I tried to navigate myself around the site I was confused where to go. There were no signs that clearly showed where you had to click to send the user to another page. The only way I could find where to go was to hover the cursor over the different pieces of font in hope to find something. However I thought the text used was slick and worked well with the designers work. All of the information was basic yet to the point. It stated the things that needed to be shown, some more information may have been useful but it may have lost the slickness that the site has.
When I look at the website as a whole I feel that the designers took spatial awareness into consideration. The whole layout looks well structured and spaced out evenly the only piece that doesn’t follow this is the spider diagram which I feel is a key point to the website so perhaps the designer could have worked in the same layout.
The audio on the site is basic with some simple pholie effects added but what I do like (like the terminators website) is that the audience gets the choice to have the music on or off.
The audience interaction is basic with the simple clicking, and reading however what I noticed on this page is that in the top left corner they show simple instructions on how to use the site with arrows, so this give the audience the choice between using the cursor or the keyboard which I like.
I think that this website advertises the graphic designers work well with the slick look but I do feel that the lack of direction lets the website down.
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