Sunday 15 November 2009

Simulated project - Interactive elements

As I stated in my proposal (even though you cannot see it) I intended to do a couple of interactive elements for the micro site. From looking at different campaigns questionnaires were the best source of interactive elements so... if it worked then I'm going to use it.

I managed to find some quiz questions that I found online which you can find here they're basic knowledge but it works with the website.

As you can see I have incorporated my logo into the quiz however changed the colours to signify whether the answer could be right, wrong or both.

From user feedback I received some positive comments. The main issue with questionnaires was either they are too descriptive or too long. Having kept the questionnaire to five questions the user will not lose interest.
I did also provide the user of three options. If the question was answered wrong then the user cannot proceed but can try again until they get the answer correct.

This is one of my interactive pieces I still need to work on the music player but thats one piece done.

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