Tuesday 17 November 2009

Simulation project - Imagery

One of the main points that I stated in my proposal was that I was to incorporate imagery into my website however rather then finding the images online I thought that I would actually create my own images being that this is a 'copyright' project.

So with the help of my friends and a very good camera I created these images below that you may have seen in other designs of my blog but I wanted to show everyone that I was the one who shot these images.

I was initially going to leave the photos as they were but when other people looked at the images they all said that there was something missing. When I went back home for a few days my mum said that she really liked the logo. As there was no appropriate place to put my logo within the site I decided to incorporate it within my image. Other people also said that when searching the site they were unsure as to which page they were on, so I have added a few words making it clear to the user which pages they are looking at.

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