Friday 5 March 2010

Client Project - Suitable drop down menus

I wanted to make the streetbeatz website look as clean and user friendly as possible and so I decided that a drop down menu would be a good idea...though a little bit harder then your average menu.

When creating a drop down menu you have to take into consideration the different cross browsers, not to mention checking everything else because you need to make sure that the layout is compatible with all the browsers. The drop down menus has the same effect. Certain browsers are only compatible with certain CSS rules.

I tried creating my own drop down menus however none would work across Internet Explorer so I looked over the Internet for some suitable codes that I could perhaps work with.

CSS Play

CSS Play provided a good example of a CSS drop down menu, the article said that it was compatible across all browsers and even pointed out the bugs that occurred in IE6. However on reading further I noticed that the article/coding had not been updated since 2006 which meant that this coding may not be up to date with the current browsers.

Pure CSS menu

Pure CSS menu was an application that allows the user to easily create a drop down menu on the site. It gives you the option to change the colour, font and sizes. I had a go at it and it seemed pretty straight forward however when I tried to edit it I found it quite hard to understand the CSS coding and so thought that it would be wise if I created a drop down menu through a tutorial, that way I would follow the coding and would understand it which will enable me to edit the coding.


As we all go on this site for some handy tips it was this one that I finalised my design for my menu with. The coding was explained in way that made the CSS a lot easier to understand. However I tried to edit the drop down menu I had to mix the coding up a bit because I could not get the code to go horizontal.

It has just shown me that creating a CSS drop down menu really isn't as easy as I thought it would be however I have found a lot of sources that could help me for future references.

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