Monday 1 March 2010

PRP - Fourth artefact ideas

When tested the the third artefact the results showed that the children enjoyed the interaction with the game but lost attention quite quickly in order to get out of this positive feedback was to given to the child, this made the child more enthusiastic and more enthusiastic to continue the game. In previous blogs you can see that in my previous artefact I created not only a matching game but I also created a digital version of the matching pairs game.

As the coding is quite technical I could only create a matching pairs game where the child had to match the pictures together as opposed to my hand made game where the child had to match the picture to the word. Giving that the results showed that children need positive feedback to keep playing I thought that I can test sounds/rewards. If I added sounds to when the children match the cards (make a pair - positive sound, make no pairs - negative sound) my aim is to see if the children show more of a response to the game if a reward was at the end, this could be animation for this artefact.

From doing this artefact I hope to see what the childs next response will be, whether adding positive sounds/feedback will change the childs reactions at all to the game, I am not too sure on what the outcome will be as I thought the child would enjoy the game in the previous artefact. The results could also show me that this game isn't even the right game for the age group (even though research suggest this game)

I have started updating the game now so shall blog my next designs shortly.

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