Friday 19 March 2010

SPP3 - The not so successful images

Ok so I have been working on a few ideas for while now and I think that I have selected my final ideas, but that process wasn't simple and after going through a number of different designs I selected my final eight but thought I should share the ideas that were designed but not successful in the final outcome.

This image focused on only one shot of my personal portfolio, though the idea seemed good it was only presenting one image and I' prefer more than this.

This image exhibits more then one project however the audience see a minimal amount and so does not get the full outlook on the projects.

Again this shows four separate projects and unlike the previous project it shows the detail in each image, however I am not too keen in this general layout. I prefer the columns.

These are just a few of my extra designs but you can see in my previous blog posts that other design ideas have been designed for the assignment.

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