Wednesday 17 March 2010

PRP - Fifth artefact ideas

Results from artefact four came out quite positive. For the first time since conducting the research artefact my predictions were correct. By adding the sounds and animation made the general game play a lot easier for the child to understand how to play the game.

With my predictions correct I decided to take a new route in the research. While observing the children play the matching pairs game I noticed that a few of the children made comments about the imagery used within the game. This gave me the idea that imagery could have an effect on the game play and learning.

Through the research carried out so far I am starting to realise that games are used within schools and are proving to be a good support tool but I am now trying to see what subjects computer games could be beneficial for. The aim of this next artefact is to test whether different images would effect the pairs game.

Sticking to the research subject I am going to use images which consist of words, colours and shapes. Using these different images could work out whether the use of different images effects that game play. I plan to test school children for this artefact as I will be visiting the school on the 22nd and the previous artefacts suggested that new test subjects would be beneficial and provide better results.

I am unsure as to what to expect from this artefact, preferably maybe show that matching words will be more difficult as they are not a shape however like already said I am unsure as to what the outcome will be.

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