Friday 26 March 2010

PRP - Artefact 5 evaluation

In the previous artefact the predicted results were correct however some of the participants made comments about the imagery used for the pairs games. The main intention for artefact 5 was to experiment the use of different imagery and to test whether using different images (colours, shapes and words) would make an impact on the participant’s timings and opinion to the games.

Following previous tests it was decided that new test subjects would partake in this artefact to make results fair as no child knew what to expect. The results received were interesting. The test subjects were split into literacy level groups to be tested however the results showed the children with lower literacy skill had quicker times than the higher literacy skilled group. The assumption was made that the children with more skills would work quicker.

The prediction was made that the ‘word’ matching game would take the longest although this was incorrect as it was the ‘colours’, which took the longest however the colour pairs game was played first so the participants were not aware of the game rules. Looking back the games should have been switched after each participant, making it fair.

Conducting this artefact has been very useful and has proved that imagery does not have a major effect on children with games, in spite of this gaming could potentially be a helpful learning source for children with lower skills. With artefact 5 showing that colours and shapes took the longest time in the pair’s game I have chosen to work around the theme of ‘colours and shapes’. The test will potentially consist of imagery and colour, possibly a colouring in picture. The aim will be to see whether computer technology can assist teaching methods in the subject of art and design.

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