Thursday 4 March 2010

Client Project - Wordpress upload

Well the beginning stages of uploading the site to Wordpress has begun so its full steam ahead and a lot of work in the next couple of weeks. Today Ashley showed me how to upload the site onto Wordpress and it's not as bad as I thought, obviously I received help (again thank you Ashley) but once you get the basics it quite straight forward and I think it will be a lot more user friendly for Jess.

As you can see in the left image the dashboard does look quite complicated however I intend to provide Jess with a user guide and will walk through the site with her to explain the different elements. The Dashboard is the first thing that Jess will see when she opens the page, I must clearly specify that the only pages that she will need to edit will be under the 'Pages' tab.

Each of the the pages will be provided with a simple text box where Jess could easily change the text.

I am still unsure as to how to edit the images yet but that will be next weeks job my aim for this weekend is to set the whole website out including the menu. I also need to test it across browsers but like I said the display of the site is the main aim.

I found it quite difficult to figure out the plugins but I think that this will be something that I will have to research further into. I need these plugins for the gallery, contact form and the comments page so this is definitely something that I will focus on next week.

I am pleased that its now on Wordpress as this was a big part that was worrying me however it is now up and technically running so fingers crossed I will make progress over the weekend but I will keep you all informed.

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