Saturday 2 January 2010

Client Project - Dance Websites

Having recieved some information from Jess I thought that it would be a good idea to lok at some other examples of dance school websites. I have started off by looking at some danceschools from around the UK.

Two of the websites that caught my eye was 'Pulse dance' and 'The Premier dance studio'. These two sites are quite similar in the style that they have used. Keeping to a minimal look and using plain/neutral colours both dance schools have managed to create a professional image for themselves. Both websites main background colours are white, making the imagery and font stand out.

From browsing both websites I can see that they both produce alot of information, but both websites have created strong layouts that suit the dance schools needs. When browsing through pulse dance I can see that they have a vast amount of information that they feel user need to know. At first I thought that there was too much information however, when looking it is exactly what the user would to know e.g. dates of classes and what the classes actually invovle age groups etc. This is something that I will mention to Jess in our next meeting.

Pulse dance have got a clear navigation with the main navigation at the top of site and any sub buttons not only in red but a 'click here' next to each button, the designers have obviously thought of the users needs and have made it as user friendly as possible (something else that I also need to consider) I f could change the site then I would definately add more imagery of the dancing itself. When I opened the page I was greeted with a strong image of dancers but this image did not change when clicking on other pages, only the information changed making the layout a bit repeatitive and leaving me less interested. However saying this I really like the layout and navigation.

The premier dance studio I feel deserve the same opinions as the pulse dance website however they have incorporated simple imagery that adds a bit more detail to the site. What I like about The premier dance studio website is that it has a more personal feel to it. Not only providing information about the dance school itself they have taken the dancers into consideration, continously acknowledging their successes and achievements.

Jess wants me to do a competition page so I will also suggest a page where she can acknowledge the students.

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