Sunday 3 January 2010

Client Project - Website research

The first two sites I described as having a more professional look about them which I think Jess wants but being that most of her classes are for children/young adults I think that the design has to have a more eye-catching design. This is when I came across 'Danceworx' and 'Dance Crazy'

Like the previous two websites that I looked at they porvide all of the information that is need. They both have a good navigation... well dance worx has an easy straight forward navigation but I was a bit confused the dance crazy navigation. The site had not only a top navigation bar but a side navigation bar. From what I saw the top navigation were providing the main pages that they felt were the important parts of the site i.e. timetable, contact etc whereas the side nav bar was info on the club itself i.e. summer school, medals, bookings etc. So I can see why they have done this but for some users it coulds turn out quite confusing.

The main reason why I chose these two sites was to show some examples of different, colourful layouts. Dance crazy has stuck to the colours of the logo design which is a conscious decision and ... what I will also be doing myself. Black is quite a risky colour to have as background however by using the bright blue and ornage logo colours I feel the designers have pulled it off.

Dance worx have also used a bright and colourful gradient effect background. The main title, in my opinion has a cheerleader feel to it because of the American font style used. When looking at the timetable I noticed that the dance school was not only for children but for adults as well. The image that I have been recieving since I opened the site was a dance school for children, not adults. The whole colour scheme and title look more appealing to a younger audience, unless the designers were going for a fun, light hearted approach this is something that I need to take into consideration because Jess has branched out to adult street dancing as well.

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