Thursday 21 January 2010

Client project - Design Update

The next design has taken into consideration the colours and rather then adding a bright red background I have used a gradient background making it less 'red'. I created some of the images as alternative links so there will always be some sort of imagery on each page.

For these design examples I have created an about us, competitions and ask us pages.

When you look the 'About Us' and 'Competitions' look very similar, only reason being is that I am still unsure as to what the competition page will look like. But it will hopefully give you an idea as to where the text would be and where it would be situated.
Ideally I want the text to look more free flowing and perhaps merge around the logo but I am unsure as to whether I would be able to do this in Wordpress.

The ask us page was a specific requirement that Jess wanted. I will have to point out to jess that once I finish it will be her job to keep monitoring the comments and delete when getting too full but we shall discuss this in the next meeting.
However I like the look of what it could potentially look like.

Like I said above these about us and comeptition are pratically the same however I have changed the font colours, with one being white and one being black I hope Jess will choose one.

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