Friday 8 January 2010

Client Project - Recieved designs!!!

Update from yesterday, I have now recieve the graphics from Jess (good timing if you ask me) and so will be able to create ideas with the proper graphic designs giving both me and Jess a stronger idea on what the website will look like.

The grapher designer who worked with Jess also provided me the template of the logo so I will be able to maintain a high standard logo image.

As you can see above these are the background designs for Street Beatz leaflets and, this will be the background for the website. I have to say that I am very happy to use this because I really like this design. In my previous post I pointed out that I was quite worried about having to design with the colour red however the graphic designer that Jess worked for has blended different reds together and has created a funky hip hop design which relates very well to Jess's street dance academy.

I am still working on the wireframes but my next issue that I will have to raise with Jess will be about the font. When I get a chance I will scan the leaflets that I was given to show which text was used. However I need to make it clear that I cannot use a text that not many people will have on their computers because otherwise the users would be left with a default font and a not very good looking website.

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