Wednesday 20 January 2010

Client Project - designs after feedbacl

In Jess's latest email she stated that she preferred my latest design but did not exactly specify which one. So I thought that I would give her an idea of how each design could potentially look like.

Below are three page designs of potential idea number one. I decided to create a timetable, contacts and gallery.

For the timetable I was unsure as to how present the work, because there were so many classes. When I spoke to my housemates and explained the problems they suggested rather than having a day to day timetable I would have a timetable for school classes and a timetable for public classes. Looking at this now it seems so obvious.
I am looking into making it a flash application so the timetable could be more interactive.

For the gallery I may suggest to Jess to stick to three gallerys and alter the images when needed, mainly to make it faster for the user. I will be applying a Lightbox application so the pictures can be expanded to view properly however how to present them may be difficult because I have left myself with little space to work with. And I also have to consider the usability as once completed Jess will be the one controlling it.

The contact page will be standard though I will also included Jess's phone number. The only issue that I have with this design is that it is very overpowered by reds. Other people agree with this but we all like the image of the dancer. If this design is chosen I plan to have a different dancer on each page, ideally at different age groups.

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