Monday 11 January 2010

PRP - First Artefact, the best method of research

When I decided that best way to start my research was to have a wider audience and then as the artefacts were made the audience would be minimised. Having decided that my main target audience for this artefact are the educators themselves I had to think about how would I collect such a large amount of data? I came across this article from the U.S Department of Education that provided some good advice.

With the title being 'What's the Best Way to Collect My Information?' it was clear that this would be useful information. The main aim of the article is to provide readers information on the different methods of data collection when needing research from schools. There are many different options available when it comes to collecting data. For myself I would like to collect a large amount of data to get a stronger understanding on what educators think.

The article provided different examples of how data could be collected. I already knew the majority of the methods but wasn't fully aware of the advantages and disadvantages when it came to the method of research. Different research methods included:

- Email - can collect a large amount of data and is not so time consuming for both the researcher and the participants, however you are restricted to what information you get.
- Telephone - Can receive a more informative response also having a personal touch though it can be difficult to get in touch with the participant.
- Observation - The participant would need to provide little information as they are being observed but this can be time consuming and the researcher could effect the responses from the participant because of their presence.

These were only a few but its useful to know the options. I think that I will go for the email option. Even though I may be restricted because of the questions I will still be able to get a large amount of responses quickly. This could also work to my advantage because being restricted to answers means that I can choose what I want and makes the research fair.

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