Sunday 24 January 2010

PRP - Artefact Evaluation

Creating a questionnaire as my first artefact worked to my advantage. My chosen research subject in my opinion was still very broad and I needed to narrow my research by gaining a more thorough idea on what the teachers thought. With the questionnaire I managed to do this. By sending out a simple multiple-choice questionnaire via email I was able to get a quick response and given the time that we had I am satisfied with the amount of feedback received.

Looking back at the questionnaire I should have reworded some of my questions. When looking at the comments I think that some of the participants thought that I was insinuating that infant/primary schools had no ICT facilities, this was not the case. My aim was to try and reconfirm my theory and see how educators felt about computer games assisting their teaching methods. If I could go back and redo the survey this is something I would change as I feel that the participants did not completely understand my aim.

From doing the questionnaire it showed me that educators are already highly aware of the benefits when using computer games. The majority of the questionnaire participants have knowledge on computer games, this including knowing the different types of games that could/are being used. Overall the results were not what I expected. Before conducting this survey I believed that educators were not well aware of the benefits of computer games but I was wrong. Games are becoming recognised as a strong learning tool and becoming more widely used in schools at all levels.

Looking at the results from artefact 1 I feel that a change in direction for my research is needed. Now that I am aware that educators understand the benefits of games in education my next step is to see what the children think about games. Hopefully gaining information from both educators and pupils will give me a view from both sides and thus maybe find a connection that suits everyone and improve computer game based learning.

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