Wednesday 13 January 2010

Client Project - First Design attempts

I have now done the first design attempts for the Street Beatz website. I worked along the requirements that Jess stated however from the research that I have previously done I have added an 'about us' page and 'contacts' mainly because it would give potential customers the main facts that they would like to know about; that is what the club is, the dancing styles and how to get in contact with Jess herself, obviously if Jess does not want these pages then I completely understand because this is her website but thought that as the web designer I should throw in suggestions to give her ideas.

The designs before have been created via the wire frames I designed previously. They are not all complete and a few of them I still want to tweak before I send them to Jess but I have kept the design that Jess wanted and the logo. I feel that the different tones of red really work well together and from my previous research the website would definately stand out from the competition.

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

Design 6

As you can see some of the designs don't have a images on them, please note that that would not apply to every page if that certain design was picked, its just an example of what one of the pages could look like.

My personal favourites are designs 5 and 6 possibly because it is something different to what I usually design. I have been looking at how the background has been created and I think I know how its been done so in the designs above the background may look a bit disjointed however this is only because I have chopped pieces from the designs given this will look different in future designs.

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