Saturday 9 January 2010

Client Project - Wire frame designs

Below are the wire frame designs for the website that I could potentially use. Everyone can see what the basic look is for each design so I am not going to explain every single design but I did get the inspiration for these designs from other dancing websites.

I am still not sure which one to pick as of yet it may not even be any of these but I have started some designs working around the templates of these wireframes so they shall hopefully be uploaded by the end of next week or, they need to be done by next week as I have my first meeting since the start of the project with Jess to look over the designs and hopefully choose the final piece.

Sorry to bore you all with this but David said put everything up on the blog so I'm just following instructions.

Wire Frame 1

Wire Frame 2

Wire Frame 3

Wire Frame 4

Wire Frame 5

Wire Frame 6

I have a good idea of what the wire frames will look like when I use the main imagery but these will give me a good starting point and there will be alot of tweaking but from research these are the wire frame designs that are mostly used.

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