Monday 4 January 2010

Client Project - Note to self

Just a few points that I have to now take into consideration when starting to design the site (otherwise I will forget):
- Make sure I experiment with the colour red as a background (keep the content the main aspect of the site and do not let the background overpower it)
- Have images to a certain constraint and represent to what is being said in the content.
- Be inviting to all ages, classes are available to all ages so need to not only attract the younger target audience but adults.
- Maybe include a FAQ or reviews page providing answers for children, adults and parent who wish to know about the dance school.
- Keep the navigation simple yet still provide all of the information needed.

All of these things will be discussed in my next meeting with Jess because I need to make sure that she is aware of her competition and see if my suggestions would be useful.

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