I had not tested the coding in Internet Explorer and when tested the layout was completely wrong. (Please ignore the background as this was test)

The alignment was all wrong and so after many attempts I came to the choice to restart from scratch, I knew the layout but I thought it was best to restart the site and test it on both browsers. I managed to get the layout look correct on both browsers however the CSS for images I still had a few problems with.
Though I think the main issue was with the image I tried to use.

Once I had all of the CSS put together I found it easy to create the rest of the pages. The main layout is pretty much all there however I have to add a couple more templates before I can will put it into wordpress.
I am quite happy with the outcome so far, its still looking a bit scruffy but I intend to work on the CSS to add shadows and jazz up the font a bit. I am deciding on how to display the timetable so some designs will be put up shorty. The colours as you can see are still being worked on but its slowly getting there.
I am still a bit anxious about inputting the site into wordpress but I have planned to have the site finished in three weeks...looks like a lot of hard work to come.