Tuesday 2 February 2010

Client - 2nd meeting

Well its been a while for client but I have returned to Southampton this week to focus on PRP and Client. This evening I met up with Jess to catch up on both our ideas and to capture some images for the site. So this evening for 3 hours I have been with Jess taking images (nearly 300!)and discussing ideas for the website.

I spoke to Jess about hosting as she is not very aware about how to purchase a domain name. When I had a look for a hosting name for 'streetbeatz.com' they were all taken but to my relieve Jess told me that she does not want this and instead wants the name to be 'www.streetbeatzdanceacademy.com' and it is avaliable so the name is safe.

I received an email a few dqays ago showing images of the uniform and Jess mentioned today that she wanted a page for the uniform, so I will have to rethink the site map slighty, only slighty because she is happy with what I have done so far so just a bit of tweeking.

Jess is also interested in trying to add video content to the site so I may have a look for a simple plugin that will allow Jess to add her own video content, we agreed that I would help her the first few months the site is up and running just so she gets the hang of editing the website by herself but I am pleased that she is still eager to get the site up and also willing to help me in whatever way possible. It is certainly making my life easier.

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