Friday 5 February 2010

PRP - Artefact 2 Update

Well artefact 2 is completed and I have to say that I really enjoyed doing it. This morning I went into Moorlands primary school and intereviewed a year 1 class about games and learning.

The children were lovely and very enthusiastic to give me answers though when listening back to the recording some of the answers were hard to understand but it has given me an idea on what children think about gaming.

I started off by asking quesiotns about what game they played at school, names were mentioned like ace monkey's, rigby and superstars. Though some of the children found it hard to explain the games I could see that they knew understood how to play the game but just had diffuculties explaining them.

From certain questions it was obvious that boys are still the ones showing a stronger passion for computer games, even though the girls mention games and are able to explain the learning games in more detail its the boys who show more enthusiam towards playing the games.

When it came to talking about games out of school it was Nintendo that was mentioned almost everytime. I got the impression that the children love the interactive elements that Nintendo offers with the consoles. What I was paeticularly surprised at was that these children play on the games that I also enjoy playing. For example Mario Kart and Super Mario bros was mentioned on numerous occassions.

I think now that I have spoken to the children I can see that the enthusiasm is there but it is shown more when they are playing interactive games. My next artefact could maybe look into how more interactivity could be used in a learning environment.

After the interview the the teacher said that I was allowed to come back for a whole day!! and do tests, it is not until 22nd March but that will give me time to create more tests that I could create to help invovle the children, maybe possibly introduce the Nintendo Wii if I'm allowed. We shall see.

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