Sunday 14 February 2010

PRP - Third Artefact design

Having decided that creating a memory game would be appropriate for my third artefact I have designed a simple game that I am going to test on the children. To make it more educational I found out via research that one teaching method was to have the children match the picture with the word, so the game is potentially helping there learning.

How did I make the artefact?

Going back to my art attack roots I cut up two pieces of card. I have used two different colours, one that represents the word and the other the picture. Next I found clipart images of different objects/animals that I know young children can recognise. I next simply drew these images and the wrote the word and hey presto!! you now have one memory game ready to be tested.

As I cannot test this on the school children until March 22nd I have found another group of children that I can test this game on until I get to the school. The main reason why I want to test these artefacts on the same children is because I will get a more fairer results.

"It's possible to train a child's mind to catalog information even when it's not that interesting to the child. Prime your child's mind for remembering details and paying attention to the task at hand by using fun memory games and consistent encouragement and praise. "
Match and Reading help website

I found this small article how parents can teach children simple addition and subtraction via the use of memory games and imagery. It states that children have strong observational skills and if your patient they will start to remember different things. This is one of the reasons as to why I have chosen this aspect of learning. I will show my results via a camera and watching how the child reacts to the game.

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