Wednesday 17 February 2010

Client Project - Creating website

Ok so I have posted a blog about client in a while but its mainly because I have been trying to finish spp module but I have started creating the site, well at least the template.

So this is the current layout that I have done so far. I don't have a screen print but I have also made a template that has set the image of the dancer to be on the left hand side, just under the logo. As for the colours these are not set I am using these just until I create the right background.

So far its going ok and I am just waiting for Jess to email me over the content needed for the site but knowing her she will reply asap as she's eager to get the site up and running. Once the content is here its just a matter of inputting the content and working on the CMS. My Wordpress book also arrived on Monday and it looks very useful so I am going to have a tackle with that over the next week.

Even though there's still a lot of work I am happy with my progress I will be aiming to get it finished a week early as I am returning home for a few days for my research project and so I am also going to take this chance to tweak and test on Jess's actual dancers and see what they want.

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