Monday 15 February 2010

Spp3 - London college of communication 10

This is the final course that I am going to post because this course is the final piece to my puzzle. I have now chosen my four jobs and this course will be my fourth chosen postgraduate course.

Based in London College of Communication Like I said in my previous post it seems that I have got most success at finding a postgraduate course when searching for interactive media/design. London college of communication offers an Interactive media course.

About the course
This dynamic MA course, one of the longest-established in the field, is designed for people who want to work in interactive media, website creation and interactive art.. It combines theory and practice, covering conceptualisation, planning, design, coding, production, project management and usability testing. As a student you will be encouraged to explore, experiment and take risks.

LCC has an outstanding team of practitioners and published researchers and enjoys a powerful programme of visiting speakers. The course also benefits from a cross-European collaboration with media industry professionals and higher education institutions and there is an opportunity to visit at least one other centre in Europe during the course.

I think what caught my eye is they claim to be the longest established MA course in the field. If this is true then they must know quite a lot of information. Its based in London so I can move there, though the fees are pretty expensive £4,075 to be exact.

I meet the requirements needed so really its just a choice of where I would ideally like to go? Having now picked my final four I need to narrow it

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