Tuesday 16 February 2010

Spp3 - And the final results are....

So over the past few months I have been researching into different courses and Jobs that I can look into for future reference and complete an application for. After the long list (see below) I have now come to my decision for my final 8 choices....and not only that I have selected which I am going (mock) apply for.

So for the postgraduate courses I looked at the following universities:
- University of Glamorgan
- Edinburgh Napier University
- University of central Lancashire
- Middlesex University
- Kingston University
- Arts University college Bournemouth
- Brunel University
- Goldsmiths London

and my chosen final four are:

- University of Bristol
- University of Westminster
- London College of Communication
- University of Hertfordshire

I will be applying for the University of Bristol because this was the course that I have the most interest for, all will be explained in the rationale.

And for the jobs I looked at the following adverts:
- MacPeople recruitment
- Junior Digital designer - Blue Skies
- Junior Creative designer online marketing - UK2.Net
- Aquent
- Junior Designer - Nakama
- Microsoft MACH scheme
- Web designer with CSS for web 2.0

and my chosen final four are:

- Junior web interface designer - Star guided media
- Guru careers design design graduate - Guru careers
- Flash developer - Mind Candy
- Game Artist - Playfish

I will be applying for the job at playfish because doing some research I found that

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