Tuesday 9 February 2010

Spp3 - University of central Lancashire 6

I have to thank Ashley for finding this for me. The University of central Lancashire has a course titled Interaction Design and if you read on I think you would agree that this course would be good for me.

Interaction Design is the branch of computing that is concerned with how users interact with computer systems. This includes the roles of users in the analysis, design and evaluation of systems, as well as methods for the system developer to create usable and useful interactive products for people, and extends to consideration of social aspects of computer use. This course is ideally suited to students who want to specialise in usability, social aspects of computer use and the design and evaluation of effective interactive systems. It builds upon the existing and emergent research interests in Interaction Design in the School, including website accessibility, multimedia for learning and Child-Computer Interaction (see www.chici.org). The course includes modules covering analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems, as well as theories of Human-Computer Interaction, and a look at current trends in interactive systems.

The following requirements are needed:
* A good honours degree (normally 2:1) in Computing or related subject
* A degree and substantial relevant experience in a HCI related field
* BCS Postgraduate Diploma plus PGD project
* Qualification deemed by the university to be equivalent to the above
* Students will be expected to display communication skills appropriate to an Honours graduate. In particular, students whose first language is not English will be required to demonstrate competence in the language. The normal minimum standard required is IELTS 7.0 or equivalent.

The main thing that caught my eye was 'multimedia for learning and Child-Computer Interaction' My research project is based around this and so this course would be ideal for me at this moment in time. Although looking at the course it looks like it involves a lot of writing and writing is not my strong point at all, though I did see design in description.

One big disadvantage that would potential be the reason why I say no is that its in the north!! if I moved further north there are alot of things that I would have to take into consideration. Cost of living/traveling home, finding accommodation and could I live that far away from my friends and family, I am already 3 hours away and thats far enough.

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