Wednesday 3 February 2010

PRP - Second Artefact, how to interview children

Research shows that you have to prepare an interview with children differently to how you would with any other interview. Young children will tend to be more nervous around people who they are unfamiliar with. When I prepare for the interview I have to take this into consideration, they don't know who I am and so it could be quite daunting for them.

I found this article from a site called 'Newslab' a site dedicated to giving advice to journalists. I came across an article 'How to interview children' and the article provided some useful advice about to interview children.

Look for children who are directly involved in the issue you are covering. Talk to them in their own environment, where they are most comfortable.

A good way to do this is in the classroom where they are at school and in an environment that they know. I am hoping that having them in a group they will be with everyone they know so I will look less intimidating. I could make it into a group discussion.

Listen. Listen more than you talk. Ask fewer questions than you might of an adult. Let the child fill the silence.

When I plan my questions I will have to think about how to word them. If its going to be a group discussion then I could perhaps use the same question but let the a number of children give their opinion.

Crouch or kneel when talking to little kids. Don’t stand above them and put a stick mic in their faces.

I must remember to be friendly and not intimidating in any way, so kneeling does sound like a good idea. I have to take all these things into account if the interview is to be successful and I can get good feedback. When talking to the children I must be patient and wait for the child to finish what they are saying, even if they are struggling I must be patient. The children have the information that I need so if they are comfortable with me being around then I will get better results.

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