Monday 22 February 2010

PRP - Third artefact evaluation

Artefact 3 proved to be more of a challenge to decide as the results from artefact 2 resulted in a number of different outcomes. Through discussions it was decided that the best route to take was to create a game to test how a child would react throughout the game play. Research showed that a ‘matching pairs’ game was a good game to use in research, this game was created both computer/non-computer based. This was to see how the children responded to a game in different format.

Conducting this test showed me there are other elements to the game that have to be taken into consideration. From the start of playing the game the children enjoyed the interaction with both games (trying to find the pairs) yet after a few attempts the children began to lose interest. Positive feedback was continuously being used to give the children the incentive to continue the game play. The outcome shows that perhaps the game itself is not the only main aspect but other components need to be included in order to make a successful game.

The results collected were useful and showed that children respond well when receiving positive feedback however looking back the artefact, ideally more test subjects were needed to gain stronger results. Working with children was always going to have constraints however more test subjects would have provided solid evidence and would be a lot clearer.

With the results showing that feedback was needed for the child to stay focused the next artefact will look into this issue. I intend to use the computer version of the pair’s game but add positive sounds and an animation at the end of the game, giving the children an incentive to complete the game.

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