Monday 1 February 2010

PRP - Artefact 2

After a very time consumming and many many hours spent sending emails my first artefact has been complete and after presenting my results I have been given the go ahead for artefact number 2!

As you can see in my evaluation of my first artefact below I did not expect the results that I recieved and so a change in direction was needed in my artefact designs. I thought too quickly and assumed that I already knew the outcome... well I was wrong and so I thought that it would be good to inteview the opposite to teachers, and that would be the pupils.

In previous blog posts I have mentioned that I have been in contact with my old infant (now primary) school. After a few emails and meetings they have agreed to let me interview the children. I am going to have to think carefully about how I talk to them though as they are only in year 1 (age 5-6) but my main aim is to find out:

- What do they know about games
- What do they enjoy about learning/school
- What activities do they enjoy participating in

They are going to be general/simple questions because I know that they maybe a bit nervous having a random person comming into their classroom asking them questions so I have to make sure that I come across as a friendly person.

Potential Issues

- Children may get nervous and not speak given me little information.
- Wording the questions that I need to ask maybe difficult because it has to be said in a easy to understand format.


I have managed to get a school willing to help me with my research project. When I mentioned my project to other peers the majority said that I wouldn't be able to do much however here I am with an interview planned.

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