Wednesday 10 February 2010

PRP - Second Artefact evaluation

As proposed, my second artefact was aimed at finding the opinions and needs of the children who could potentially find learning support in the form of computer games. The difficulty of this artefact was how to collect the information because of the age difference; I had to take into consideration how the children would respond. Through research I came to the conclusion that a recorded group discussion would work well for both me and the children participating in the discussion.

When listening back to the recorded discussion ideally I needed to have gathered more information for my final outcome. From the start of this artefact I understood that collecting information from children at such a young age would be a challenge, it was clear that they were more interested discussing the games they liked rather then what they learnt.

On the other hand from conducting this discussion it was clear to me that children have a much stronger understanding of gaming technology then anticipated. They can identify different consoles as well as explain what games provide an entertaining experience. It was also clear throughout the talk that boys were more enthusiastic about gaming as opposed to girls. I assumed that girls would have more of a passion because of the change in the way that we are now more interactive with the games.

Looking at the results from artefact 2 I feel that there are two issues that should be looked further into. Having noticed that the girls showed less interest in gaming I could potentially design a game that focuses on their interests. However what I would also like to address is how the designers themselves create these games. Presenting my ideas to a designer may give me a stronger understanding as to what makes a successful learning game.

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