Thursday 25 February 2010

Client Project - Website Update

Well the website is underway and I'm hoping to get the main template of the of whole website finished by this week ready to start WordPress next week. I have had a few little gliches that have not only been annoying but frustrating to try and work out but I think I have managed to solve it...well at least for now I have.

As you can see I have added a temporary background just so you can get an idea on what it will look like but I am unsure about this at the moment, it just seems a little too much red. I have tried not making the picture of the girls not red to try and tone tone it down which makes it a little better but it still needs tweaking.

I would also like to try and make the navigation bar stand out so maybe add a bar behind it to make it more obvious to users that it is the navigation bar.

As you can see in the image above I have tried to make the background darker and I have had mix opinions. Some like it and some don't so again its something I will be playing around with.

I have be having problems with the layers, as everything overflows the container div alot of the div's have margins. I was struggling to align the text with the image and getting the master div to move in according to the amount of text being inputted. I tried changing all of the CSS settings but for two days I was just going round in circles. My final outcome that actually works was putting the picture div in the text div, making the image aligined with the text and the container div change with the amount of text used.

I have started reading up about the Wordpress and so we start with that next week giving me three weeks to get my head around this new program.

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