Thursday 25 February 2010

Client Project - Website Background

Today has been good progress on the website though it has been a very long day full of coding and editing the pictures but I am happy with the progress made. One of the issues that I had to deal with today however was the background.

In the final choice design Jess liked the design with the current leaflet background. This was all well however, actually doing that was a lot harder than anticipated. I started off with the basics by putting it in the CSS background however as you can see in the picture below the image just repeats itself. This would make it look unprofessional so I needed to find I solution that would prevent the background image from repeating.

Myself and Ashley researched into a number of different methods that could work. Looking at pure CSS codes, it gave the user a full image but the image was stuck to one size, so the user would not see the whole image.

A piece of code that Ashley has been using is called 'supersized' its a piece of Javascript that stretches the image to any size resolution.

As you can see the image has been stretched,it works well in Firefox but I could not test it in Internet Explorer. The images that I was sent from the designer would not be excepted so I need to email Jess to get hold of the designer of the graphics to see if he can send me anymore files.

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