Friday 12 February 2010

PRP - Third Artefact: What is memory?

Basing that my third artefact is based around the memory game it made me wonder, why is researching into memory so important? I chose to create this artefact based on when browsing through the internet it was these games that seemed to be the most popular.

I came across an article based on memory. Through this article I found out what memory actually was, the difference between short and long-term memory and general guidelines on how to improve your memory.

You can find the link to the article here.

The parts of the article that I found particularly interesting was based mainly on how to exercise your brain and improve your memory. It was information which I should really already know but I never really thought about it until now. So the main aspects that I should try and look at when creating a memory game is:

- Is the child paying attention, for you to remember things you need to be focused.
- Taylor your information to your learning needs (some people are better at reading information and some are better at listening)
- Involve as many senses as possible, use colours, textures and sounds to represent the objects you wish to remember.
- Relate information to what you already know, build on information that you already know if you relate it to things you already know then you will gradually improve your memory.
- Organize your information, place information into categorizes i.e. addresses, birthdays etc
- Understand and be able to interpret complex material, understand the basic idea of complex material, if you can explain the basic material to someone else then you will remember more.
- Rehearse information frequently and "over-learn", go over what you learnt the same day you learn it. Cram the information in so it becomes second nature.
- Be motivated and keep a positive attitude, if you want to learn it and keep telling yourself that then you will remember it because you want to remember it.

The article is very interesting for my project but for other people so I say have a read of it.

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